
Do You know the Amish?

Usually I pen posts about the Swartzentruber or conservative Old Order Amish. This time, I want to ask how well do you know the Amish in general?

Some of these statements may be easy to you, some a challenge.


1) The Amish Culture is 600-years-old:

2) Amish share similar beliefs and behaviors:

3) Amish and Mennonites are nearly the same in behavior:

4) Mennonites came out of the Amish:

5) Only married Amish men grow beards and mustaches:

6) Amish send their children to school only through the 8th grade:

Let's see how you did. Here are the answers:
1) The Amish culture is about 400-years-old, originating as a result of the European Protestant Reformation.

2) If you answered true to this question, you've not read my blog. I emphasize this culture's diversity. In fact, there are about 40 different Amish Orders -- some researchers use the word affiliation -- each with its own Ordnung [oral set of rules], different bishop/behavior, etc. Did you know there are white, yellow, and gray buggy Amish? I'll post on that later.

3) Amish and Mennonites share a common religious heritage -- Anabaptism. But their behavior is different and unique. I've heard some Amish say that Mennonites are liberal. While these groups are civil to one another, typically, they neither mingle nor socialize.

4) If you answered true, you're incorrect on two accounts. Mennonites did not come out of Amish nor visa versa. Each - at different historical periods - came out of the Anabaptist Movement.

5) Another trick question. The answer is False because some single Amishmen do grow beards. But no Amishmen grow a mustache because it was associated with soldiers or men of the "world." Therefore, only a beard is allowed.

6) A common misunderstanding. While most Amish end formal schooling of their "scholars" at 8th grade, there are a few higher orders that do send their children to public school and/or through 12th grade. It is rare, though, that those Amish students go on to college.

How'd you do? That was fun.

(C)Copyright 2016, Brenda Nixon


  1. I did quite well. Guess I have been following you and reading Amish stories too long.

  2. I totally tanked. Shame on me. Only 2 out of 6. The history questions threw me. I've never been good in history. However, on the upside, I now know. = )

    1. Nooo Dali but I'm glad you played =) Now you know more about the Amish. Did you know there are Black Car Amish?! They can drive any car they choose -- as long as it's black.

  3. wow I did pretty bad. glad it wasn't for a grade. LOL

  4. 5/6....not to bad for a new reader :) Although I did know somethings about the Amish before I came here. My great grandparents were Amish, and my grandfather was ex-amish.

  5. SSome trick questions, I was wondering what you were talking about on number 5. :)

    1. Thanks Joseph. haha, didn't you let your facial hair grow when you were still single? Mosie told me that some of his teen friends would grow a bit of a beard but then shave it off.
