
Speaking the first half of 2016


I'm asked to write guest blogs, sign my book, and answer questions in media interviews.

Last year I was blown away with the number of invitations to speak on my personal experiences. I ended up going out nearly each week throughout beautiful Ohio sharing with audiences antsy with questions.
But, during these long, cold winter days, it's slow due to weather -- it's unpredictable especially here in Ohio. Things pick up in the Spring.

Soon I'll be traveling Ohio highways to public and private venues where audiences, on the edge of their seats, are busting with questions. I like those who are genuine in learning about the complex Amish, opening their perceptions, and who are polite and welcoming to me. My experiences and insights may not be like anyone you know but they're mine.

My wonderful husband accompanies me -- helps me navigate the unfamiliar roads and then sets out my books while I chat with audience members. Sometimes he answers a question from his experiences with the ex-Amish.

Here are some of the venues where I'm speaking in the first half of 2016.

Saturday, April, 2
Oak Harbor Library, Ohio

Wednesday, April 13
New London Library, Ohio

Sunday, April 17
Pioneer Ridge,
North Ridgeville, Ohio

Monday, May 2                                Writers Group, Bryan, Ohio

Sunday, May 22
Westlake Porter Library, Ohio

I can't predict how long I'll accept speaking invitations, write guest blog posts, or give media interviews. It could end in May. . . life is unexpected. And honestly, I NEVER imagined myself doing this. It was divine intervention and design.

Whatever happens, maybe we'll meet. I thank you for reading my posts and hope you have a grand, safe 2016.


  1. Really happy for you, Brenda! I pray the Lord continues to open doors for you.

    1. Dali, it's been a surprise, an honor, & a responsibility. And I've met with some critics with their own questionable agenda but the Lord knows about that and will deal with those individuals. I remain open to help former Amish who cross my path (got an email asking for help from one yesterday) and to sharing Amish cultural education.
