
Dramatic Update on Sarah - Chapter 4 of my book

She chose to leave her Swartzenuber Order late one Thursday night.
No transportation, job, or birth certificate.
No education beyond 8th grade.
Little cash.
A small sack of English clothes.
Hopes of finding a home for the night.
We became that home.
I wrote about picking her up at WalMart, how I helped Sarah launch her new life in our "forbidden" world, and her first steps on the journey in being ex-Amish. Sarah is Chapter 4 of Beyond Buggies and Bonnets.

As a Swartzentruber female she was forbidden from shaving any body hair - remember that part in my book? She needed teeth. Her order avoids licensed dentists. A settlement dentist puls a tooth with a cavity rather than repair. The white kapp represents submission, and in her settlement, signified she was an unmarried - but of marriageable  age - female.

And since the publication of Beyond Buggies and Bonnets, . . . here's an amazing update:

  • She bought a car
  • Worked in a bakery then a flooring company
  • Married Josh (Chapter 3)
  • Moved to Colorado (sniff, sniff, I'll miss her!)
Right before their move, Sarah told me that she's not talked to her Amish parents for a year. Sound harsh? To some readers it may but the distress over her leaving the Amish is still raw, which makes her parents warn Sarah of her path to hell. And her mother always cries. So Sarah avoids the unpleasant confrontation and condemnation.

Sarah and Josh attended a nondenominational church near our home - before the Colorado move. I'm praying they find another great body of believers in Colorado. 

She and Josh are in love and have fun together! In October, they dressed up for their last Ohio Halloween party.

Want to wish Sarah well in her new English life, marriage, and life in Colorado? Then leave your well-wishes in the Comments section on my blog.

(C)Copyright 2015.


  1. Yay for Sarah and Josh! Best wishes for them!

  2. Congratulations Sarah and Josh - I met you once Sarah when you were with Brenda at the Eight Sisters bakery! I pray you find a great church family in Colorado and enjoy your life in the Rocky Mountains.
